local module = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs -- 改为从分离出的模块调用,注意现在 sunColor 和 sunColor2 的参数需要预先进行 floor 再行传入 local sunColor = require('Module:SunShow').sunColor local sunColor2 = require('Module:SunShow').sunColor2 local cheiColor = require('Module:SunShow').cheiColor local sun49 = require('Module:SunShow').sun49 local tzbiou = 0 -- 特殊时期是否避开某些容易令人误会的色块 local winterDays = require('Module:冬至日期').winterDays local winterSeconds = require('Module:冬至日期').winterSeconds local winterLength = 23000 local firstWinter = 7322 -- 作为历元的冬至在上述数值的第7322号位 local tick = {18, 7, 23, 47, 10, 31, 16, 17, 12, 21, 34, 43, 37, 2, 13, 9, 36, 14, 4, 45, 27, 20, 39, 41, 24, 42, 19, 44, 32, 11, 26, 25, 30, 28, 8, 48, 5, 40, 29, 33, 6, 35, 38, 46, 15, 22, 3, 1} function module.s2d(frame) -- 秒转天,除以86400 local args = getArgs(frame) local x = tonumber(args[1]) return string.format("%.10f",x/86400) end function module.test() local now=os.time() local start=os.time({year=2021,month=9,day=1,hour=3}) local days=(now-start)/86400 local dayint=math.floor(days) local hours=((now-start)%86400)/3600 return dayint..'天'..hours..'小时' end function module.directly() -- 直接获得当前时间 return os.date('%p')..' '..os.date('%c') end function queIa(seconds) local spmin = 56 local minph = 35 local hpd = 14 local dpm = 35 local mpy = 14 local s = seconds % spmin local minutes = math.floor((seconds - s) / spmin + 0.5) local mi = minutes % minph local hours = math.floor((minutes - mi) / minph + 0.5) local h = hours % hpd local days = math.floor((hours - h) / hpd + 0.5) local d = days % dpm local d1 = d + 1 local months = math.floor((days - d) / dpm + 0.5) local m = months % mpy local m1 = m + 1 local y = math.floor((months - m) / mpy + 0.5) local y1 = y if (y1 >= 0) then y1 = y1 + 1 end return string.format("%d年%d月%d日 %02d:%02d:%02d", y1, m1, d1, h, mi, s) end function module.nowQueIa(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local offset = args[1] if (offset == nil) then offset = 0 else offset = tonumber(offset) end local now = os.time() local start = os.time({year=1900,month=4,day=4,hour=10,min=12,sec=42}) now = now - start if (offset ~= nil) then now = now + offset end return queIa(now) end function module.dateQueIa(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local y = args[1] local m = args[2] local d = args[3] local h = args[4] local mi = args[5] local s = args[6] local time1 = os.time({year=y,month=m,day=d,hour=h,min=m,sec=s}) local start = os.time({year=1900,month=4,day=4,hour=10,min=12,sec=42}) time1 = time1 - start return queIa(time1) end function module.nowSunTick(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local color = string.lower(tostring(args[1])) -- 是否显示颜色 local offset = args[2] -- 时间偏移,单位为秒 if (offset == nil) then offset = 0 else offset = tonumber(offset) end local now = os.time() local start = os.time({year=1996,month=1,day=28,hour=0}) now = now - start if (offset ~= nil) then now = now + offset end local clock = (now-43200) % 86400 -- 一天中的时间,单位为秒,正午为零点 local whichTick = math.floor(clock / 1800) + 1 local c = "" -- 如果显示颜色 if (color == "true") then c = sunColor2(math.floor(tick[whichTick]), tzbiou) end return c..sun49(tick[whichTick]).."时" end function module.nowDuaenn(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local display = args[1] -- 显示模式 local offset = args[2] -- 时间偏移,单位为秒 if (offset == nil) then offset = 0 else offset = tonumber(offset) end local now = os.time() local start = os.time({year=1996,month=1,day=28,hour=0}) now = now - start if (offset ~= nil) then now = now + offset end local clock = now % 86400 - 43200 -- 一天中的时间,单位为秒,正午为零点 local duaenn = clock / 400 -- 转化为段 local duint = math.floor(duaenn) -- 段的整数部分 local suennz = (clock - 400 * duint) / 20 -- 舛 local sint = math.floor(suennz) -- 舛的整数部分 local mint = math.floor(clock % 20) -- 秒 local kc = ''; if (string.find(display,'k')~=nil) then kc=' '; end -- 空格与否 if (display==nil) then return duint else if (string.find(display,":")~=nil) then if (string.find(display,"m")~=nil) then return string.format("%+04d%s:%s%02d%s:%s%02d",duint,kc,kc,sint,kc,kc,mint) else return string.format("%+04d%s:%s%02d",duint,kc,kc,sint) end else if (string.find(display,"m")~=nil) then return string.format("%+d%s段%s%02d%s舛%s%02d%s秒",duint,kc,kc,sint,kc,kc,mint,kc) else if (string.find(display,"s")~=nil) then return string.format("%+d%s段%s%02d%s舛",duint,kc,kc,sint,kc) else return string.format("%+d%s段",duint,kc) end end end end end function sunAriCalender(now, color) local start = os.time({year=1996,month=1,day=28,hour=0}) -- 以公历1996年1月28日零时开始算 local days = (now-start) / 86400 local dayint = math.floor(days) local dayfroms = dayint + 1706817 -- 事实上1996年1月28日是太阳易纪元第1,706,817天 local dayFromOne = dayfroms - 49 -- 纪元零点开始过了49天再开始算 local bigCount = math.floor((dayFromOne - 0.5) / 602651) -- 第几个1650年周期(从第0个开始算),1650年周期为602651天 local bigRemain = dayFromOne - 602651 * bigCount local smallCount = math.floor((bigRemain - 0.5) / 4018) -- 第几个11年周期(从第0个开始算),11年周期为4018天 local smallRemain = bigRemain - 4018 * smallCount local smallTotalCheiNum = math.floor((smallRemain + 48.5) / 49) local smallYear = math.floor((smallTotalCheiNum * 11 + 81.5) / 82) local formerCheis = math.floor(((smallYear - 1) * 82 + 0.5) / 11) local dayInYear = smallRemain - formerCheis * 49 local cheiName = {"火","木","光","土","风","水","空","闰"} local cheiN = math.floor((dayInYear + 48.5) / 49) -- 第几契 local dayN = cheiN * 49 - dayInYear local year = bigCount * 1650 + smallCount * 11 + smallYear local dc = "" local cc = "" -- 如果显示颜色 if (color == "true") then dc = sunColor(math.floor(dayN), tzbiou) cc = cheiColor(cheiN) end return year.."年 "..cc..cheiName[cheiN].."契 "..dc..sun49(dayN).."日" end function sunCalender(now, color, timezone) local start = os.time({year=1996,month=1,day=28,hour=0}) -- 以公历1996年1月28日零时开始算 local days = (now-start) / 86400 local dayint = math.floor(days) local dayfroms = dayint + 1706817 -- 事实上1996年1月28日是太阳易纪元第1,706,817天 local i = 0 local wd = winterDays local ws = winterSeconds local bottom = 9750 -- 只取[bottom,top]区间的冬至年份 local top = bottom + 4095 for i=bottom,top do -- 按时区调整冬至相应日期 if (timezone ~= nil) then ws[i] = ws[i] + timezone end while (ws[i]>=86400) do wd[i] = wd[i] + 1 ws[i] = ws[i] - 86400 end while (ws[i]<0) do wd[i] = wd[i] - 1 ws[i] = ws[i] + 86400 end -- 冬至后(含)第二个自然日,为年末自然日 wd[i] = wd[i] + 97 - (wd[i]-1)%49 end local left = bottom --二分查找,左闭 local right = top + 1 --二分查找,右开 local middle = 0 -- 寻找严格小于dayfroms的最后一个冬至 while (right - left > 1) do middle = math.floor((left+right+0.5)/2) --二分中点,向下取整 if (dayfroms <= wd[middle]) then --比middle所在年的冬至要早,不含middle right = middle else --可能比middle所在年要晚,也有可能正好是这一年 left = middle end end --left即为所求年的下标 local year = left - firstWinter + 1 -- 七历年份 local restdays = dayfroms - wd[left] -- 这一年的具体第几天 local cheiName = {"火","木","光","土","风","水","空","闰"} local cheiN = math.floor((restdays + 48.5) / 49) -- 第几契 local dayN = cheiN * 49 - restdays local dc = "" local cc = "" -- 如果显示颜色 if (color == "true") then dc = sunColor(math.floor(dayN), tzbiou) cc = cheiColor(cheiN) end return year.."年 "..cc..cheiName[cheiN].."契 "..dc..sun49(dayN).."日" end function sunDay(now, display, color) local start = os.time({year=1996,month=1,day=28,hour=0}) -- 以公历1996年1月28日零时开始算 local days = (now-start) / 86400 local dayint = math.floor(days) local dayfroms = dayint + 1706817 -- 事实上1996年1月28日是太阳易纪元第1,706,817天 local phase = (-dayfroms) % (49*49*49*49) local d = phase % 49 -- 日 local s = math.floor(phase/(49)+0.00000000001) % 49 -- 季 local t = math.floor(phase/(49*49)+0.00000000001) % 49 -- 轮 local p = math.floor(phase/(49*49*49)+0.0000000000001) -- 朝 local dc = "" local sc = "" local tc = "" local pc = "" -- 如果显示颜色 if (color == "true") then dc = sunColor(math.floor(d), tzbiou) sc = sunColor(math.floor(s), tzbiou) tc = sunColor(math.floor(t), tzbiou) pc = sunColor(math.floor(p), tzbiou) end if (display=='1') then return dc..sun49(d).."日" else if (display=='2') then return sc..sun49(s).."季 "..dc..sun49(d).."日" else if (display=='3') then return tc..sun49(t).."轮 "..sc..sun49(s).."季 "..dc..sun49(d).."日" else return pc..sun49(p).."朝 "..tc..sun49(t).."轮 "..sc..sun49(s).."季 "..dc..sun49(d).."日" end end end end function module.nowSunCalender(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local color = string.lower(tostring(args[1])) -- 是否显示颜色 local timezone = args[2] -- 时区,【相对于东八区】,单位为【秒】,注意! local offset = args[3] -- 时间偏移,单位为天 if (timezone == nil) then timezone = 0 else timezone = tonumber(timezone) end if (offset == nil) then offset = 0 else offset = tonumber(offset) end local now = os.time() if (offset ~= nil) then now = now + offset * 86400 end if (timezone ~= nil) then now = now + timezone end return sunCalender(now, color, timezone) end function module.dateSunCalender(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local y = tonumber(args[1]) local m = tonumber(args[2]) local d = tonumber(args[3]) local color = string.lower(tostring(args[4])) -- 是否显示颜色 local timezone = args[5] -- 时区,【相对于东八区】,单位为【秒】,注意! if (timezone == nil) then timezone = 0 else timezone = tonumber(timezone) end local date = os.time({year=y,month=m,day=d}) if (timezone ~= nil) then date = date + timezone end return sunCalender(date, color, timezone) end function module.nowSunAriCalender(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local color = string.lower(tostring(args[1])) -- 是否显示颜色 local timezone = args[2] -- 时区,【相对于东八区】,单位为【秒】,注意! local offset = args[3] -- 时间偏移,单位为天 if (timezone == nil) then timezone = 0 else timezone = tonumber(timezone) end if (offset == nil) then offset = 0 else offset = tonumber(offset) end local now = os.time() if (offset ~= nil) then now = now + offset * 86400 end if (timezone ~= nil) then now = now + timezone end return sunAriCalender(now, color) end function module.dateSunAriCalender(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local y = tonumber(args[1]) local m = tonumber(args[2]) local d = tonumber(args[3]) local color = string.lower(tostring(args[4])) -- 是否显示颜色 local timezone = args[5] -- 时区,【相对于东八区】,单位为【秒】,注意! if (timezone == nil) then timezone = 0 else timezone = tonumber(timezone) end local date = os.time({year=y,month=m,day=d}) if (timezone ~= nil) then date = date + timezone end return sunAriCalender(date, color) end function module.nowSunDay(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local display = args[1] -- 显示长度 local color = string.lower(tostring(args[2])) -- 是否显示颜色 local offset = args[3] -- 时间偏移,单位为天 if (offset == nil) then offset = 0 else offset = tonumber(offset) end local now = os.time() if (offset ~= nil) then now = now + offset * 86400 end return sunDay(now, display, color) end function module.dateSunDay(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local y = tonumber(args[1]) local m = tonumber(args[2]) local d = tonumber(args[3]) local display = args[4] -- 显示长度 local color = string.lower(tostring(args[5])) -- 是否显示颜色 local now = os.time({year=y,month=m,day=d}) return sunDay(now, display, color) end function module.latinTime(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local offset = args[1] -- 时间偏移,单位为时 local month = {"Jeneiro", "Fabruario", "Marco", "Abrile", "Maio", "Jugno", "Julio", "Agosto", "Setembre", "Oktubre", "Novembre", "Decembre"} -- 1至12月 local weekday = {"Lunde", "Marde", "Merkrede", "Jeude", "Vendrede", "Sabado", "Domingo"} -- 周一至周日 local now = os.time() - 3600 * 8 if (offset ~= nil) then if (tonumber(offset)~=nil) then now = now + offset * 3600 end end return os.date("%X\n",now)..weekday[7-((7-tonumber(os.date("%w",now)))%7)]..os.date(", %d ",now)..month[tonumber(os.date("%m",now))]..os.date(" %Y",now) end function module.NorasiaTime(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local offset = args[1] -- 时间偏移,单位为时 local month = {"1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月"} -- 1至12月 local weekday = {"月曜日", "火曜日", "水曜日", "木曜日", "金曜日", "土曜日", "日曜日"} -- 周一至周日 local now = os.time() - 3600 * 8 if (offset ~= nil) then if (tonumber(offset)~=nil) then now = now + offset * 3600 end end return os.date("%X\n",now)..os.date(" %Y年 ",now)..month[tonumber(os.date("%m",now))]..os.date("%d日 ",now)..weekday[7-((7-tonumber(os.date("%w",now)))%7)] end function stringAt(str, pos) return string.sub(str, pos, pos) end function HetesflusYear(year) year = year - 1326 return stringAt('eDcszywhAaoiu', year % 13 + 1) .. stringAt('tbpmfvd', year % 7 + 1) .. stringAt('ZnlrgkNxjqS', year % 11 + 1) end function module.HetesflusTime(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local offset = args[1] local now = os.time() if (offset ~= nil and tonumber(offset) ~= nil) then now = now + offset * 3600 end local dayOfYear = tonumber(os.date('%j', now)) local year = tonumber(os.date('%Y', now)) local month = 1 local sum = -11 local days = {30, 30, 30, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30} if year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 ~= 0 or year % 400 == 0) then days[3] = 31 end while sum + days[month] < dayOfYear do sum = sum + days[month] month = month + 1 end if month < 4 then year = year - 1 end local monthName = {'冬', '寒', '花', '春', '收', '祭', '夏', '航', '酒', '秋', '種', '雨', '冬'} return '<samp>' .. HetesflusYear(year) .. '</samp>年' .. monthName[month] .. '月' .. (dayOfYear - sum) .. '日' end return module