
跳转到导航 跳转到搜索
第1行: 第1行:
/* 这里的任何JavaScript将为所有用户在每次页面载入时加载。 */
/* 这里的任何JavaScript将为所有用户在每次页面载入时加载。 */
(function (mw) {
(function (mw) {
function cleartext(){
for(var i=0;i<t1.length;i++){
function cleartext() {
t1[i].style.display = 'none';
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
t2[i].style.display = 'none';
var ti;
t3[i].style.display = 'none';
eval("ti=t" + i + ";");
for (var j of ti) {
t4[i].style.display = 'none';
t5[i].style.display = 'none'; = 'none';
t6[i].style.display = 'none';

$(function() {
var xdi8Letters = [ //希顶字母表
document.getElementById("b1").onclick = function() {
["!`", "b", "p", "m", "w", "j", "q", "x", "y", "n", "z", "D", "s", "r", "H", "N", "l", "d", "t", "g", "k", "h", "4", "5", "v", "F", "7", "B", "c", "f", "u", "a", "o", "e", "E", "A", "Y", "L", "6", "2", "T", "8", "3", "V", "1", "i"],
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["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
t1[i].style.display = 'block';
["⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧"],
["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
function translatePua(str) {//翻译作pua
for (let i of xdi8Letters) {
for (let j of i[0]) {
while (str != str.replace(j, i[1][i[0].indexOf(j)])) {
str = str.replace(j, i[1][i[0].indexOf(j)])
return str;

document.getElementById("b2").onclick = function() {
function injectBotton() {//注入希顶按钮
for(var i=0;i<t1.length;i++){
function findBotton() {
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t2[i].style.display = 'block';
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return childs;
return null;
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findBotton().setAttribute('class', '');
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xdi8Bottom.setAttribute('id', 'xdi8in');
xdi8Bottom.onclick = function () { //取自mediawiki内部脚本
var section;
$(this).parent().parent().find('.page-' + $(this).attr('rel')).show().trigger('loadPage');
section = $(this).parent().parent().attr('rel');
$.cookie('wikiEditor-' + $(this).data('context').instance + '-booklet-' + section + '-page', $(this).attr('rel'), {
expires: 30,
path: '/'
xdi8Bottom.innerText = "希顶字母";
findBotton().parentNode.insertBefore(xdi8Bottom, findBotton());

document.getElementById("b3").onclick = function() {
function insertText(obj, str) {//向texteara插入文本在当前光标处
for(var i=0;i<t1.length;i++){
if (document.selection) {
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
t3[i].style.display = 'block';
sel.text = str;
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endPos = obj.selectionEnd,
cursorPos = startPos,
tmpStr = obj.value;
obj.value = tmpStr.substring(0, startPos) + str + tmpStr.substring(endPos, tmpStr.length);
cursorPos += str.length;
obj.selectionStart = obj.selectionEnd = cursorPos;
else {
obj.value += str;
function injectList() {//注入希顶输入列表
function findList() {
if (document.getElementsByTagName("div")) {
for (var childs of document.getElementsByTagName("div")) {
var attrs = childs.attributes;
if (attrs && (attrs["rel"] && attrs["rel"].value == "latin") && (attrs["class"] && attrs["class"].value == "page page-latin page-characters")) {
return childs;
return null;
if (findList()) {
findList().style = "display: none";
var xdi8List = document.createElement('div');
xdi8List.setAttribute('rel', 'xdi8');
xdi8List.setAttribute('class', 'page page-xdi8 page-characters');

var divin = document.createElement('div');
divin.setAttribute('dir', 'ltr');

for (var letter of xdi8Letters[0][1].concat(xdi8Letters[1][1])) {//内含物字母列表
var spanin = document.createElement("span")
spanin.setAttribute('rel', letter);
spanin.innerText = letter; = "'XEGOEPUAall',-apple-system,'Helvetica Neue','Segoe UI',Helvetica,'Nimbus Sans L',Arial,'Liberation Sans','PingFang SC','Hiragino Sans GB','Noto Sans CJK SC','Source Han Sans SC','Microsoft YaHei','Wenquanyi Micro Hei','WenQuanYi Zen Hei','ST Heiti',SimHei,'WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp',sans-serif";
spanin.onclick = function () { insertText(wpTextbox1, $(this).attr('rel')); };
findList().parentNode.insertBefore(xdi8List, findList());

function insertTextBothSide(obj, str1, str2) {//向texteara插入文本在当前光标两侧
if (document.selection) {
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = str1 + sel.text + str2;
else if (typeof obj.selectionStart === 'number' && typeof obj.selectionEnd === 'number') {
var startPos = obj.selectionStart,
endPos = obj.selectionEnd,
cursorPos = startPos,
tmpStr = obj.value;
obj.value = tmpStr.substring(0, startPos) + str1 + tmpStr.substring(startPos, endPos) + str2 + tmpStr.substring(endPos, tmpStr.length);
cursorPos += str1.length;
obj.selectionStart = obj.selectionEnd = cursorPos;
else {
obj.value = str1 + obj.value + str2;
function insertTransPua(obj) {//向texteara文段翻译
if (document.selection) {
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = translatePua(sel.text);
else if (typeof obj.selectionStart === 'number' && typeof obj.selectionEnd === 'number') {
var startPos = obj.selectionStart,
endPos = obj.selectionEnd,
cursorPos = startPos,
tmpStr = obj.value;
obj.value = tmpStr.substring(0, startPos) + translatePua(tmpStr.substring(startPos, endPos)) + tmpStr.substring(endPos, tmpStr.length);
cursorPos += translatePua(tmpStr.substring(startPos, endPos)).length - tmpStr.substring(startPos, endPos).length;
obj.selectionStart = obj.selectionEnd = cursorPos;
else {
obj.value = translatePua(obj.value);
function findTransPua(obj) {//在texteara里寻找{{x}}翻译
document.getElementById("b4").onclick = function() {
function findX(str) {
for(var i=0;i<t1.length;i++){
for (var indx = str.indexOf("{{x|"); indx >= 0; indx = str.indexOf("{{x|")) {
t4[i].style.display = 'block';
var floor = 1;
var nowin = indx;
while (floor > 0) {
var floorb = str.indexOf("}}", nowin);
if (floorb >= 0) {
nowin = floorb;
else {
var floora = str.indexOf("{{", nowin);
if (floora >= 0) {
nowin = floora;
str = str.substring(0, indx) + translatePua(str.substring(indx + 4, nowin)) + str.substring(nowin + 2, str.length);
return str;
obj.value = findX(obj.value);
function injectBelow() {//注入下面的按钮
document.getElementById("b5").onclick = function() {
function findBelow() {//寻找位置
if (document.getElementsByTagName("div")) {
for(var i=0;i<t1.length;i++){
for (var childs of document.getElementsByTagName("div")) {
t5[i].style.display = 'block';
var attrs = childs.attributes;
if (attrs && attrs["class"] && attrs["class"].value == "editOptions") {
return childs;
return null;
if (findBelow()) {
var belowBottom3 = document.createElement('a');
belowBottom3.onclick = function () { insertTransPua(wpTextbox1); };
belowBottom3.innerText = "转换选中区域希顶为PUA"; = "1.4em";
findBelow().insertBefore(belowBottom3, findBelow().childNodes[0]);
var belowBottom4 = document.createElement('a');
belowBottom4.onclick = function () { findTransPua(wpTextbox1); };
belowBottom4.innerText = "转换全文{{x|}}内希顶为PUA"; = "1.4em";
findBelow().insertBefore(belowBottom4, findBelow().childNodes[0]);
var funcLists = [
["[[", "]]"],
["{{拼|", "}}"],
["{{|", "}}"],
["{{ruby|", "|}}"],
["{{color|red|", "}}"],
["{{国家声明}}", ""],
["{{人物声明}}", ""],
["{{Info|", "}}"],
["{{x|", "}}"]
for (var funcList of funcLists) {
var belowBottom2 = document.createElement('a');
belowBottom2.setAttribute('onclick', "insertTextBothSide(wpTextbox1,'" + funcList[0] + "','" + funcList[1] + "');");//需要固定量
belowBottom2.innerText = funcList[0] + (funcList[1] != "" ? "..." : "") + funcList[1]; = "1.4em";
findBelow().insertBefore(belowBottom2, findBelow().childNodes[0]);

var belowBottom = document.createElement('a');
belowBottom.href = "#xdi8in";
belowBottom.onclick = function () {
document.getElementById("wikiEditor-section-characters").setAttribute('class', 'booklet section section-characters section-visible');
belowBottom.innerText = "输入希顶字母";
findBelow().insertBefore(belowBottom, findBelow().childNodes[0]);

document.getElementById("b6").onclick = function() {
$(function () {
for(var i=0;i<t1.length;i++){
t6[i].style.display = 'block';
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
document.getElementById("b" + i).setAttribute('onclick', "cleartext(); for(var i = 0; i < t" + i + ".length; i++) { t" + i + "[i].style.display = 'block'; }");

2022年4月10日 (日) 16:02的版本

/* 这里的任何JavaScript将为所有用户在每次页面载入时加载。 */
(function (mw) {
    function cleartext() {
        for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
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            eval("ti=t" + i + ";");
            for (var j of ti) {
       = 'none';

    var xdi8Letters = [  //希顶字母表
            ["!`", "b", "p", "m", "w", "j", "q", "x", "y", "n", "z", "D", "s", "r", "H", "N", "l", "d", "t", "g", "k", "h", "4", "5", "v", "F", "7", "B", "c", "f", "u", "a", "o", "e", "E", "A", "Y", "L", "6", "2", "T", "8", "3", "V", "1", "i"],
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            ["⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧", "⇧"],
            ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
    function translatePua(str) {//翻译作pua
        for (let i of xdi8Letters) {
            for (let j of i[0]) {
                while (str != str.replace(j, i[1][i[0].indexOf(j)])) {
                    str = str.replace(j, i[1][i[0].indexOf(j)])
        return str;

    function injectBotton() {//注入希顶按钮
        function findBotton() {
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                        return childs;
            return null;
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            xdi8Bottom.onclick = function () {  //取自mediawiki内部脚本
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                $(this).parent().parent().find('.page-' + $(this).attr('rel')).show().trigger('loadPage');
                section = $(this).parent().parent().attr('rel');
                $.cookie('wikiEditor-' + $(this).data('context').instance + '-booklet-' + section + '-page', $(this).attr('rel'), {
                    expires: 30,
                    path: '/'
            xdi8Bottom.innerText = "希顶字母";
            findBotton().parentNode.insertBefore(xdi8Bottom, findBotton());

    function insertText(obj, str) {//向texteara插入文本在当前光标处
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            cursorPos += str.length;
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        else {
            obj.value += str;
    function injectList() {//注入希顶输入列表
        function findList() {
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                        return childs;
            return null;
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            var divin = document.createElement('div');
            divin.setAttribute('dir', 'ltr');

            for (var letter of xdi8Letters[0][1].concat(xdi8Letters[1][1])) {//内含物字母列表
                var spanin = document.createElement("span")
                spanin.setAttribute('rel', letter);
                spanin.innerText = letter;
       = "'XEGOEPUAall',-apple-system,'Helvetica Neue','Segoe UI',Helvetica,'Nimbus Sans L',Arial,'Liberation Sans','PingFang SC','Hiragino Sans GB','Noto Sans CJK SC','Source Han Sans SC','Microsoft YaHei','Wenquanyi Micro Hei','WenQuanYi Zen Hei','ST Heiti',SimHei,'WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp',sans-serif";
                spanin.onclick = function () { insertText(wpTextbox1, $(this).attr('rel')); };
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    function insertTextBothSide(obj, str1, str2) {//向texteara插入文本在当前光标两侧
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                cursorPos = startPos,
                tmpStr = obj.value;
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            cursorPos += str1.length;
            obj.selectionStart = obj.selectionEnd = cursorPos;
        else {
            obj.value = str1 + obj.value + str2;
    function insertTransPua(obj) {//向texteara文段翻译
        if (document.selection) {
            var sel = document.selection.createRange();
            sel.text = translatePua(sel.text);
        else if (typeof obj.selectionStart === 'number' && typeof obj.selectionEnd === 'number') {
            var startPos = obj.selectionStart,
                endPos = obj.selectionEnd,
                cursorPos = startPos,
                tmpStr = obj.value;
            obj.value = tmpStr.substring(0, startPos) + translatePua(tmpStr.substring(startPos, endPos)) + tmpStr.substring(endPos, tmpStr.length);
            cursorPos += translatePua(tmpStr.substring(startPos, endPos)).length - tmpStr.substring(startPos, endPos).length;
            obj.selectionStart = obj.selectionEnd = cursorPos;
        else {
            obj.value = translatePua(obj.value);
    function findTransPua(obj) {//在texteara里寻找{{x}}翻译
        function findX(str) {
            for (var indx = str.indexOf("{{x|"); indx >= 0; indx = str.indexOf("{{x|")) {
                var floor = 1;
                var nowin = indx;
                while (floor > 0) {
                    var floorb = str.indexOf("}}", nowin);
                    if (floorb >= 0) {
                        nowin = floorb;
                    else {
                        var floora = str.indexOf("{{", nowin);
                        if (floora >= 0) {
                            nowin = floora;
                str = str.substring(0, indx) + translatePua(str.substring(indx + 4, nowin)) + str.substring(nowin + 2, str.length);
            return str;
        obj.value = findX(obj.value);
    function injectBelow() {//注入下面的按钮
        function findBelow() {//寻找位置
            if (document.getElementsByTagName("div")) {
                for (var childs of document.getElementsByTagName("div")) {
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                    if (attrs && attrs["class"] && attrs["class"].value == "editOptions") {
                        return childs;
            return null;
        if (findBelow()) {
            var belowBottom3 = document.createElement('a');
            belowBottom3.onclick = function () { insertTransPua(wpTextbox1); };
            belowBottom3.innerText = "转换选中区域希顶为PUA";
   = "1.4em";
            findBelow().insertBefore(belowBottom3, findBelow().childNodes[0]);
            var belowBottom4 = document.createElement('a');
            belowBottom4.onclick = function () { findTransPua(wpTextbox1); };
            belowBottom4.innerText = "转换全文{{x|}}内希顶为PUA";
   = "1.4em";
            findBelow().insertBefore(belowBottom4, findBelow().childNodes[0]);
            var funcLists = [
                ["[[", "]]"],
                ["{{拼|", "}}"],
                ["{{|", "}}"],
                ["{{ruby|", "|}}"],
                ["{{color|red|", "}}"],
                ["{{国家声明}}", ""],
                ["{{人物声明}}", ""],
                ["{{Info|", "}}"],
                ["{{x|", "}}"]
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                var belowBottom2 = document.createElement('a');
                belowBottom2.setAttribute('onclick', "insertTextBothSide(wpTextbox1,'" + funcList[0] + "','" + funcList[1] + "');");//需要固定量
                belowBottom2.innerText = funcList[0] + (funcList[1] != "" ? "..." : "") + funcList[1];
       = "1.4em";
                findBelow().insertBefore(belowBottom2, findBelow().childNodes[0]);

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            belowBottom.href = "#xdi8in";
            belowBottom.onclick = function () {
                document.getElementById("wikiEditor-section-characters").setAttribute('class', 'booklet section section-characters section-visible');
            belowBottom.innerText = "输入希顶字母";
            findBelow().insertBefore(belowBottom, findBelow().childNodes[0]);

    $(function () {
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