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That is the greatest work of art i've ever seen. You have a creative mind. I wonder how you thought of the designs of the letters AyuthsCreatorPlays (  ) 2024 6 2  ( ) 03:03 (CST)

But is that a part of shidinn as a whole AyuthsCreatorPlays (  ) 2024 6 2  ( ) 03:04 (CST)
thanks for appreciation.<3 Design of these letters are actually come from multi ways, such as shape of their "parallel" Chinese characters, their (mostly based on consonant) variant, their shape in other letter system (I dont know whether i call it right because Korean should be included), some jokes, etc. They are actually a transcription for Shidinn (maybe also some Shidinidos), and it may also able to transcript some natural languages after some alteration. UrnEn (  ) 2024 6 2  ( ) 13:10 (CST)
aren't there uppercases and middlecase or it's only lowercases? AyuthsCreatorPlays (  ) 2024 6 2  ( ) 13:30 (CST)