User talk:遗迹iseki
AyuthsCreatorPlays在话题“Suggestion”中的最新留言:2024年3月26日 (星期二)
I made some new letters on a piece of paper I'ma take a screenshot and put them somewhere on my profile AyuthsCreatorPlays(留言) 2024年3月16日 (六) 02:36 (CST)
- Got it. And, I am about to translate the page of Infinite Shidinn and its alphabet for English. this may take some time, please wait it. 遗迹iseki(留言) 2024年3月16日 (六) 22:22 (CST)
- hello i'm back
- and i uploaded new file
- [[File:BAHAHAHAHAHA.jpeg]]
- this is the cool prototype of the unofficial shilu letter things also this is the screenshot i mentioned AyuthsCreatorPlays(留言) 2024年3月17日 (日) 10:44 (CST)
We should get more diacritics. Those things that go above or below or beside the letters. I made some. And we should also use vietnamese ones. Vietnamese is a good language I'm learning it the Vietnamese tone marks would be cool with this alphabet. They use so many AyuthsCreatorPlays(留言) 2024年3月26日 (二) 08:16 (CST)