
AyuthsCreatorPlays留言 | 贡献2024年4月5日 (五) 10:50的版本
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This is Shidinamese. An unfinished fanmade Shidinn dialect created by the one and only AyuthsCreatorPlays. Based off of Chinese Pinyin, Vietnamese and Shidinn because I love those 3 languages.

It uses Vietnamese and pinyin diacritics and has old letter b and bonus letter Ü. Middlecases and lowercases are in this dialect but I'm too lazy to add those. They're the same anyways.

You can stack diacritics with vowels only like this:

ậ ẳ ế ỡ ừ ị

Limit 3 diacritics per vowel.

all the ones you can do

A À Á Ã Ả Ạ Ă Ằ Ắ Ẳ Ẵ Ặ Â Ầ Ấ Ẫ Ẩ Ậ E É È Ẽ Ẻ Ẹ Ê Ề Ế Ễ Ể Ệ I Ì Í Ĩ Ỉ Ị O Ò Ó Õ Ỏ Ọ Ô Ồ Ố Ỗ Ổ Ộ Ơ Ờ Ớ Ỡ Ở Ợ U Ù Ú Ũ Ủ Ụ Ư Ừ Ứ Ữ Ử Ự Y Ỳ Ý Ỹ Ỷ Ỵ & Đ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū Ü Ǎ Ě Ǐ Ǒ Ǔ Ǖ Ǘ Ǚ Ǜ Ü̃ Ụ̈ + many more

The possibilities are literally endless with all diacritics you can put on!

Those are the numbers and liguratures. I made sample word to show what I mean. We use subscript numbers. Lowercase n is the decimal point just like original shidinn.

Extra Info

N and L share the same sound /n/ while L also uses sound /l/ like in Vietnamese. Đ shares /t/ with D. D shares /j/ with Y and uses /z/ sometimes too. It is Shidinn Vietnamese after all

Those small liguratures   and  are allowed to be added in words. Loanwords. Any words They're still a part of Shidinamese. Old letter b was used instead of  because I like the letter Б and I don't see any similarities between that and 6.

The reason why Г was replaced with N is because N is seen in some drafts of the infinite Shidinn alphabet and I wanted it to have some resemblance to Vietnamese

V makes the sound /v/. If you want /nʷ/, use N and U. While the alphabet represents Shidinn, some letters have pronunciations as vietnamese letters. A and Ă sound a bit similar. Say Ă like /a?/. Like a questioning tone or vietnamese Á only when you're trying to say the letter in general. (The Vietnamese ◌́ sounds almost identical to pinyin ◌́)

Some letters share pronunciations.


A: /æ/~/a/ Ă: /ă/~/aː/ Â: /ə/ Б: /b/ ~ /p/ B: /kʷ/~/k/ C: /kʰʷ/~/k/~/s/ D: /j/~/z/~/t/ Đ: /d/~/t/ E: /ji/~/ɛ/ Ê: /ɛː/~/eː/ Ҽ: /e/ F: /f/ G: /g/~/k/~/ɣ/~/z/~/ʒ/ H: /h/~/x/~/ʔ/ I: /i/~/ji/ J: /tɕ/ ~ /dʒ/~/ʒ/~/z/ K: /kʰ/~/k/ L: /l/ ~ /n/ M: /m/ N: /n/~/ɲ/ : /ŋ/ O: /o/~/ɔ/~/ä/~/ʌ/ Ô: /o/ Ơ: /əː/ P: /p/~/pʰ/ Q: /tɕʰ/~/kʷ/~/ʔ/ R: /ɹ/~/z/~/ʐ/ S: /s/~/ʂ/ T: /t/~/tʰ/ U: /u/~/◌ʷ/ Ư: /ɨ/ Ü: /ɨː/ : same V: /v/ W: /w/~/ʋ/ X: /s/~/ɕ/ Y: /i/~/j/ Z: /ts/~/z/ (Everything after Z is the same pronunciation)

If you would like to help me with this dialect you can but you need my permission first. Please give me feedback in the discussion page.

See Also

In other languages