


This is Shidinamese. An unfinished fanmade Shidinn dialect created by the one and only AyuthsCreatorPlays. Based off of Vietnamese and Shidinn.

It uses Vietnamese diacritics and has old letter b and letter N which uses /n/ sound

This is the number systems. Any can be used. it doesn't matter

Extra Info

N uses /n/ in shidinamese. L does too but only in loanwords. Đ shares /t/ with D. D shares /j/ with Y and uses /z/. It is Shidinn Vietnamese after all

Those small liguratures   and  are allowed to be added in words. Loanwords. Any words They're still a part of Shidinamese. Old letter b was used instead of  because I like the letter Б and I don't see any similarities between that and 6.

Г is changed to a different lowercase to distinguish with N

V makes the sound /v/. If you want /nʷ/, use N and U. While the alphabet represents Shidinn, some letters have pronunciations as vietnamese letters. A and Ă sound a bit similar. Say Ă like /a?/. Like a questioning tone or vietnamese Á only when you're trying to say the letter in general. (The Vietnamese ◌́ sounds like a rising tone/

Some letters share pronunciations.


A: /æ/~/a/ Ă: /ă/~/aː/ Â: /ə/ Б: /b/ ~ /p/ C: /kʰʷ/~/k/~/s/ D: /j/~/z/~/t/ Đ: /d/~/t/ E: /ɛ/ Ê: /ɛː/~/e/ Ҽ: /eː/ G: /g/~/k/~/ɣ/~/z/~/ʒ/ H: /h/~/x/~/ʔ/ I: /i/~/ji/ K: /kʰ/~/k/ L: /l/ ~ /n/ M: /m/ N: /n/~/ɲ/ Г: /ɲ/ : /ŋ/ O: /o/~/ɔ/~/ä/~/ʌ/ Ô: /o/ Ơ: /əː/ P: /p/~/pʰ/ Q: /tɕʰ/~/kʷ/~/ʔ/ R: /ɹ/~/z/~/ʐ/ S: /s/~/ʂ/ T: /t/~/tʰ/ U: /u/~/◌ʷ/ Ư: /ɨ/~/y/ V: /v/ X: /s/~/ɕ/~/ʂ/ Y: /iː/~/j/

If you would like to help me with this dialect you can but you need my permission first. Please give me feedback in the discussion page.

See Also

In other languages